Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Latest B&C Polls-- Piece of Cake-- Or Sweetness Full of Surprises??

Don't look now, but it's that time again. Time to reveal the latest B&C Poll answers. So without further adieu-- here we go. The Winston Ramsey book, actually shows 29 of the rocky outcropping and wooded bluff pics-- said to be in their correctly developed order-- from the rolls of film found. I would add to that group, the rare pic of W. D. Jones laying on top of one of those bluffs-- as shown on the last page of that oh so wonderful book, and a "rarely" seen photo of Clyde (kneeling in front of their car, with his hat in his hand)-- which again, "looks" to have been from those same rolls of film. Thus it's my belief there are at least 30, but perhaps 31 such photos-- and therefore, 30 would have been the closest answer.

Hilton Bybee and Raymond Hamilton, were thought to have entered the 1st National Bank in Rembrandt, Iowa-- to rob it on January 23rd, 1934. The remainder of the enhanced Barrow Gang were said to have remained in the car. After the robbery of the Grand Prairie State Bank-- bank VP J. F. Waggoner was said to have immediately gotten into his car, and taken off after B&C alone. He followed the robbers, until Dallas and Fort Worth police responded. To my surprise, no one got the question regarding Clyde's "once documented" time in the glass industry. I felt some may have figured it out, by the way the question was worded. This conspicuously referenced account is of course incorrect, but none the less the answer was 4 years-- as documented on Clyde's death certificate.

$12.75 was said to have been the amount netted by Clyde and Ray Hamilton, from their 1st robbery in Grand Prairie, Texas on July 29th, 1932. In taking this small amount from the interurban office, Mr. Speer in checking his losses-- noted the robbers left $10.50 in another part of the drawer. Walter Enloe recalled Clyde entering the Grayson County jail to visit his brother L. C.-- who was being held there on suspicion of car theft. At the time, Enloe was helping chief jailer R. V. Graham feed the prisoners. It was felt Clyde was armed-- when he was witnessed backing out of the jail, with his hands in the pockets of the overcoat he was wearing-- after apparently being told, no one could visit while the prisoners were being fed.

The "We piled into her car and lit a shuck out of town" comment was attributed to W. D. Jones. This comment was from W. D.'s 1968 recollections of the killing of Doyle Johnson. And finally, in a fitting segue from one W. D. comment to another-- W. D. had noted that when Clyde counted the bullet holes in their car after the Red Crown incident-- he counted 14 or 15. Thanks as always, for your participation in the B&C Polls. I'll be posting more B&C Polls-- as well as the winner of September's B&C Poll Contest soon.


A. Winston Woodward said...

Good question. To me, the logical answer would be the family pics-- shot while at Sowers.

Anonymous said...

there is no way i would think that clyde would be in anything "legal" for four years. the glass industry? mabey shooting out the windows of cop cars!