I'm sad to report yet another Bonnie & Clyde historical site is now gone. With many thanks to Rusty Steed-- I've learned the former dance hall site, forever linked to the Stringtown incident where Undersheriff Eugene Moore was killed in August 1932-- burned to the ground in early June of this year. For the past 10 years, the famous building had been used as a fruit and vegetable stand-- and was purchased just 3 years ago by the same owners who had previously rented it.
Not much else to say-- except as time marches on, so too does the likelihood that at some point, almost all Bonnie & Clyde historical sites will be gone. As such I renew my call that historical status be pursued for all Bonnie & Clyde locations. But alas, such focus takes a remarkable level of caring and strong resources-- in wanting to influence the preservation of historical sites. Unfortunately-- 'don't see much of that any more.
Again with thanks to Rusty-- before and after shots of Stringtown.