Based on a lack of facts concerning this last of the B&C safe houses, it seems not much is known concerning B&C's Sailes Hideout. But in researching this mystery, some modern day B&C historical warriors have been thinking "outside the box"-- in considering multiple locations and enticing theories, based on the promise of leads felt credible by those said to have been "in the know". But in comparing these proposed locations and theories, I can't help but feel clues from the time of Bonnie & Clyde-- may provide guidance toward unraveling this quagmire of a mental exercise.
This is one B&C topic I've hesitated to address, in not chancing to reveal research promised not to be revealed-- or in somehow impeding those who've worked at length to develop a modern answer to this question. But as the theory I'm in agreement with (at least for now)-- is both simple and nothing new, I see no harm in exploring this topic as inspired by visitors here. Although truth within Bonnie & Clyde History is often elusive, as it turns out-- the truth concerning B&C's Hideout may have been a matter of public record for more than 75 years.

I feel much can be learned in examining the published maps and photos, as well as public documents, books, articles-- & info gleaned thru interviews that I've made for example on this subject. Thus I don't believe any knowledge stated here, will tread on research which I'm aware of but cannot reveal-- out of respect for other's yet unpublished work. I leave it for those fine researchers, to expound upon and define the other locations felt possible for B&C's Sailes Hideout-- which are contrary to the most documented location, which I'll discuss here.
As Professor Carroll Rich once described it within his wonderful B&C articles-- when Otis Cole heard that someone had been seen at his father's old house near Sailes, Louisiana, Otis and his young wife Odie set off through the woods to this abandoned farmhouse to investigate. There it's said the Coles encountered Ivy Methvin on the front porch of this Cole family home. They also noticed 2 individuals moving in and about the house, but couldn't be sure of their identities-- as these people remained out of clear sight.
At this meeting, Ivy was noted to have been drunk or acted like it. The story goes that Ivy asked Otis, if he knew anyone who was bootlegging-- someone he could get a drink from?? When Otis answered "I don't fool with that stuff"-- apparently in disbelief, Ivy somehow offended Otis Cole, which caused him to hurry his wife away to save her from either suspected or already spoken foul language. The home where Otis and Odie Cole encountered Ivy Methvin and it's believed Bonnie & Clyde, was his father's place-- where it's thought Otis grew up as a child. Thus since 1934-- The John Cole House has held the distinction, as being thought of most often as Bonnie & Clyde's last Hideout.
It's an interesting thought to many, that the old Cole house would've been chosen as a suitable location for B&C to hold up. Sure it was abandoned, which made it a good candidate for a hideout-- but "why" it was abandoned, perhaps should have given the strangers within it pause to think. The house had been vacant, since the death of Otis's father John Cole 4 years earlier. However it was also known, that Otis's mother Jessie Ann and 2 sisters had died there from an outbreak of Tuberculosis. One photo which accompanies this post, shows the interior of the Cole House from the time of Bonnie & Clyde, depicting furniture and personal belongings still within this abandoned farm house. This type of home which was known to have had 4 bedrooms, was considered a "dog run" house-- in that it's center hallway design would allow dogs once having entered, to roam the house via it's central hall.

Bonnie & Clyde's Sailes Hideout has been touched on within some B&C books and articles, but with so little known-- I'm not sure it can be said this topic has been fully explored. The ambush posse members were said to have known where the hideout was, and to have visited it in search of Bonnie & Clyde. But in a rural area as tightly knit as Bienville Parish, Louisiana-- the locals too were apparently well aware of the strangers who walked among them, the fancy new V-8 automobile which traveled it's roads-- and the woman with red hair, who wore red dresses and accompanied one of the other strangers. Indeed it must be wondered, why Bonnie & Clyde would have felt even remotely safe-- seemingly so out of their element, and where their very presence, manner of conveyance and dress-- would inspire talk and notice from local citizens??
Among my dealings with other caring B&C Historians, I've discussed various theories and visited 2 of the suspected B&C Hideout locations in Sailes. But despite a number of possible hideout spots, I feel there may be a simple solution to where this hideout was. I say was-- as what's most commonly thought of as the Sailes Bonnie & Clyde Hideout (The John Cole House)-- it seems has been gone for many decades now. Rumors abound, as to when The John Cole House was destroyed-- some say having been deliberately torched. It's sometimes thought this home stood until the 1970's or 80's. Others feel it was felled long ago, to perhaps keep over zealous B&C types-- from imposing their curious natures on the locals, in search of this B&C shrine of sorts.

Besides info from his aunt, Carroll learned of the purported hideout location from his father who hunted in those woods. Professor Rich told me he and his dad visited the former location of the hideout in about 1970. But just as with many B&C mysteries, this is where the conundrum deepens and Professor Rich's account gets interesting. Initially the directions as expressed to me by Carroll, seemed similar to the directions published in 1934-- in offering a route to the Cole House hideout. However Professor Rich also mentioned, he and his father needed to travel on horseback to reach the hideout site-- once having parked on the main road. Now I'm not sure how much the Sailes roads have changed since the 1970's, but I'm reasonably certain a horse wouldn't have been needed to reach the hideout site off of Route 516 as depicted on the '34 maps. In fact today, you can drive to this site quite easily. As one of the other purported hideout locations involves a more vertical ascent, I can say that a horse "would" be helpful-- in arriving at that particular site up in the Sailes hills. When I first interviewed Professor Rich about this, he didn't recall traveling up any steep hills. However more recently, Carroll couldn't say with certainty-- regarding this element of his trip, to the spot his father believed was the hideout location. So the plot thickens!!

Interestingly during one of our conversations, Professor Rich, mentioned he had never seen a photo of the John Cole House. At one point however, he did possess the picture of The Cole House-- as drawn by Mildred Cole. Having photos in hand which Dr. Rich hadn't viewed, I felt presented a unique opportunity in forming my questions-- and for use in comparison to Carroll's recollections. I asked Carroll to please describe the location he visited, remnants of the house and any particulars he could remember from the '70s when he visited there. Although the house itself was gone, he described the broken vestiges of 2 chimneys (piles of bricks spaced apart)-- which were still present to note the former existence of a house with 2 opposing chimneys. His aunt said The Cole House had a center hall and front porch, as well as chimneys at either end. Carroll mentioned the house faced north, and was located not 50 yards from the road. When I later e-mailed photos of the John Cole House to Professor Rich, he said the photos looked exactly like the hand drawn picture from his aunt Mildred.

Professor Rich described traveling past the ambush site for some distance, and then parking with his father to take the horses from there. They then proceeded into the woods (perhaps a half mile)-- to their destination. Carroll said the location of the house said to be the B&C's hideout, was right there facing you as you turned off the path they took. As you'll note from the '34 maps, the route to the hideout followed a similar trek south past the ambush site-- but then turned left onto the "1st" road noted which proceeded both east and west, where Route 516 would be. Then you'd be guided a mile and a half down that road heading east, to the hideout site which was shown on the right. 3 structures are noted on one of the maps where the hideout is marked. Myself and others, believe these structures could be The Mamie Murphy House, Otis Cole House, and John Cole House.
Although not identified as such on these olden maps, those familiar with the ambush area-- will note that turnoff (identified as being 1 1/2 miles down that long road on one map and 1 1/3 miles on the other)-- as being the Mamie Murphy Road. The Mamie Murphy House still stands from the time of B&C-- as does the Otis Cole House nearby. The Mamie Murphy House is still inhabited, whereas the Otis Cole House is abandoned and being re-claimed by the nature around it a little more each year. Photos of the Otis Cole House which I took in 2009 can be viewed below.
Although at times so little seems assured within B&C History, as you study the maps and photos provided-- my feeling is the location about 3 and 1/2 miles from the ambush site, and out Route 516 may well have been the site of B&C's Hideout. A photograph not published here exists from the late '30's, showing both the old and new Route 516-- as well as what could have been the remains of The John Cole House-- right near The Mamie Murphy House as supported by evidence from the '30's and later.
A small note of importance but within an inquiry as this where every detail may be key, shouldn't be overlooked. As the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, note the sun's rays as shining across the hideout's front porch in the 1st photo provided. The angle of these rays could indicate this house facing north, with that photo taken with the sun shining from the east in the morning. As Carroll Rich stated the Cole House faced north, I believe the sun's rays within that photo may help to verify that structure as The John Cole House.

While exploring there, I found what appear to be man made lumber (perhaps 2X4s)-- in 3 sets of straight lines buried in the ground. The frontal part of what could be foundation pieces-- measured about 40 feet long and the 2 sides measured about 20 feet each. These wooden lengths, formed right angles to one another. From my perspective, based on all the evidence combined-- there's not much doubt in my mind that The John Cole House (said to be Bonnie & Clyde's Hideout)-- stood on that spot. Others may disagree. Of course, what would a good B&C mystery be without controversy??
Some interesting caveats, to add some spice to these ideas-- as if there wasn't enough spice to go around in all of this. Before traveling to Gibsland in '09, I requested the land deed records of John Cole from the Bienville Parish Seat in Arcadia. Remarkably, what was known as The John Cole House if indeed located at the Mamie Murphy Road-- apparently didn't sit on John Cole's land. His 2 parcels, one of which was once shared with a brother were located elsewhere within the Parish. That's possible location #3-- or Area C. I've read that the house identified as The John Cole House, was known as such because he built it. But other published reports have John Cole and his family living in that house-- and at least a portion of his family dying in that house. That could make one wonder, why a house which was known because of John Cole-- wasn't on land which John Cole owned?? A good question. Now there "were" many Coles around with Cole houses to match. This fact, can only serve to heighten this mystery.
Another thing of note-- due to Ivy Methvin's involvement, it's been stated this spot was the Methvin Farm or Cabin. In fact, Ivy had only been within Bienville Parish for about 2 weeks prior to the ambush of Bonnie & Clyde. Prior to that, he had traveled from his home south of Sailes. Thus he was thought to have been squatting in the Cole House. That's said to be the reason, Otis Cole came out to see who was in his father's home. Rumors of the Cole House having been sold to Ivy-- who was planning to sell it to Clyde Barrow-- well that's "another" great B&C mystery of note.
After the ambush, Henry Barrow did admit to what had been rumored-- that Clyde did want to buy the Barrows a farm in Louisiana-- but that the papers were never signed. This report was seemingly verified by Barrow cousin Bailey Tynes within The Dallas FBI Files. My observation concerning this as it relates to B&C's Hideout, is in the form of a question. Should the Bienville Parish hideout location have been considered for a farm, logically-- wouldn't this land have been relatively flat?? In other words, how could an alternate location within steep hills, have been a good place to farm?? Therefore provided The John Cole House was indeed B&C's Hideout??-- I'm prone to believe the Mamie Murphy Road location for the hideout. One more interesting wrinkle-- B&C's Hideout has sometimes been described as having a tin roof. The John Cole House as believed pictured-- seemingly had a wooden roof. As there was surely truth concerning a B&C Hideout in Sailes-- heaven help us on that one.
Did others who lived in years past in Bienville Parish know better, so as to contradict documented accounts of the location of Bonnie & Clyde's Sailes Hideout?? As is often the case within B&C History-- you just never know. Here's that video link with thanks to Tom-- so you can experience the trip B&C might have taken to their hideout, if they hadn't been killed. Of course things now are not as they were in '34-- but this is about as close as we can get. When Tom exits his car where the hideout was said to have been and points his camera north-- if B&C hadn't arranged to meet Ivy Methvin farther down the Sailes Road, at what ended up being the lawman's position-- they could have taken that short cut to the hideout. http://www.youtube.com/user/meth222#p/u/6/vwDQLRriPQI
I hope you've enjoyed this look into Bonnie & Clyde's Sailes Louisiana Hideout. As always, I welcome your comments.
I'll have to take the time to read the post more thoroughly (just scanned through it) - I do remember reading in one of the B&C books that a family member had been taken to see the house in which B&C had supposedly been "hiding out" up in LA, but that family member (Marie? I can't remember) said that the place they were shown was rather trash and had only one route in and out, and she was not convinced that this was where they had indeed stayed. I'm not sure if that hideout is mentioned in this post, but I do know that at least one family member viewed a potential hideout and did not think that B&C would have found it appropriate... you're right, though - this is a topic that hasn't really been explored thoroughly in anything I've read, and I must go over it more thoroughly when I have a little free time!
Hello Cindy--
The 1st photo at the top of the post, of what's thought to be The John Cole House (B&C's Sailes Hideout)-- along with the interior shot, are believed to have been taken in 1934. The house's abandoned and dilapidated condition is apparent from those photos.
The earlier photo of the house, which shows the 2 women on the front porch is from better times. Note the older car in the front yard. Based on the history of that house which is known-- that photo would've been taken no later than the 1920s.
I guess appropriateness for B&C haunts was in the eye of the beholder-- but in '34 that house said to have been abandoned for 4 years, sure seemed to show it. I find comments made concerning B&C's accommodations interesting-- in that what could anyone expect, from a life of crime on the run??
Marie seemed to really look up to Clyde, and I understand may have even tried at one point-- to follow in his footsteps of crime. Neither she nor Cumie, seemed to believe Clyde did as wrong as he was known to have done. Perhaps a loving sister's impressions.
Winston, this is really an excellent piece of work. You have a genuine unbaised interest in B&C and I thank you for sharing your thoughts and keeping the story alive after so many years for people such as myself
Thanks Joe--
It's my pleasure. The Bonnie & Clyde Sailes Hideout, is a really good B&C mystery.
I think that it was Emma who said that she saw the Coles hideout and wouldn't believe that B&C actually ever considered it. This is an excellent post regarding the Sailes hideout - really enjoyed reading it!~ Thanks, Winston!
That's an interesting point you make about the family member who commented that the supposed "hideout" seemed too "trashy" for B&C to have used it - I forget who it was (as I said, I'm thinking Marie) but you're 100% correct - someone who had not experienced life on the run might not fully appreciate exactly what that might entail, and certainly I'm sure that any shelter that B&C could have counted on to keep the rain off would have been welcome to them, no matter how dilapidated! If I recall correctly, the visit to the supposed "hideout" was made with the assistance of people who had seen B&C in the area and known who they were, and so it would seem that if it were common knowledge that B&C were in the area, it would also be no big secret as to where they were staying. Also, the visit was made sometime after the ambush - it may be that if this was the correct hideout, collectors and souvenir hunters might have already been there and trashed the place, leaving it in the condition that the family member described. She just didn't think that B&C would have lived that way, but the fact is that she may not have observed the way THEY lived, but the treatment the hideout received after the ambush.
Hello Terry--
Thanks for the Canadian Club info. I saw a show on Whiskey makers recently. Apparently Canadian Club, did a booming business across the border in America during prohibition. President Roosevelt signed The Cullen-Harrison Act on March 22, 1933, which authorized the sale of 3.2% beer and wine. The 1st legal beer sales were made on April 7, 1933. That's why you see the reference to The Barrow Gang having bought beer at Joplin.
The 21st Amendment, was ratified on December 5, 1933. Some States however, continued with some form of local Prohibition. Believe it or not, it took until 1966, until all states had fully repealed their state Prohibition laws.
There are a number of stories concerning B&C having met with bootleggers during their time on the run. Moonshine was noted to have been found in at least one B&C stolen car. Bonnie was thought to have consumed more alcohol than Clyde, and photos exist with all in the gang seemingly partaking.
So The Barrow Gang obviously had access to hooch when they needed it-- as many people did when liquor was banned. Prohibition just wasn't a good idea, and seemed to have caused more problems than it solved.
Having seen the report on Canadian Club and how much liquor they provided to America during prohibition-- I wouldn't be surprised concerning B&C hiding some Canadian Club at the hideout.
Bonnie's drinking has been touched upon in many books - I don't remember if Fugitives mentions it, but if it does, it's only in passing... from what I've read in other books, however, Bonnie did drink heavily at times, and has been described by more than one person as "drunk" when they encountered her. Aside from her comment in her diary about "drowning her sorrows in bottled hell!" on New Year's Eve (I forget the year, but she was separated from Ray and had not met Clyde), which she may or may not have done (her mother points out that the diary also mentions that she was stuck at home, with no "bottled hell" and no one to drink it with if she had it) I don't recall hearing much about Bonnie's drinking until she had run with Clyde for awhile. I remember reading one of Clyde's comments one time when Bonnie was visibly drunk - he said that at times the stress was just too much for her, and at times like that, he'd just let her have at it. It's also pretty clear that Bonnie had gotten addicted to the pain meds that she was given after she was burned so badly... Bonnie may not have complained about her live on the run with Clyde, but apparently it took a toll on her emotionally as well as physically!
It would not surprise me if they had a stash hidden somewhere. As recently as 1978 I had a little snort off a bottle of moonshine fresh from a still somewhere in the Cookson Hills there in Oklahoma - apparently people some folks still prefer that raw whiskey taste! - and I'm sure that in the time of B&C, there were plenty of sources of booze for those who had connections...
BarefootOkieGal, I'm only 25 (not even, actually. Not until mid-December.) years young and moonshine is STILL a very common vice where I come from. The "legal limit" just isn't enough for some people, even in this modern day and age, and that is unfortunate. There's an establishment only 7 miles from where I spent 15 of my >25 years alive that still depends on the sale of "cat whiskey" and methamphetamine to keep their business afloat. And apparently it's STILL fairly easy to pay off law enforcement for the sake of illegal interstate trade. It's amazing how outlaws can STILL financially thrive in these border counties, even in our modern day and age.
I can't say that I would blame Bonnie for her desire to just numb the feelings of being afraid of what may be waiting around any given corner. Especially being from a small town that sits less than 15 miles from the Red River, that still depends on such illegal activities to thrive.
But apparently there are MANY B&C related stories from this area that are untold to the common population because of the "hush hush" outlaw-friendly mentality that still exists today.
The "Pistol" Pete Storey post from about a year ago is my story. Pete was my great grandfather. It's amazing how many dead ends I have run into while trying to research this story. My part of Texas is apparently good at keeping secrets, even in this modern day and age. Apparently not much has changed in hiding the identity of notorious outlaws, even since the 30's.
Hi Holley--
Thanks much for your comment. I'm surprised to learn that criminals today, could enjoy the same advantage of "friendly" lawmen as in decades past. Perhaps things haven't changed all that much. Pistol Pete's story is an exciting one, in presenting the possibility of a new and unknown B&C hostage. I hope Pete's story can be developed farther.
I really appreciate the effort in helping create this virtural tour of Bonnie and Clydes life. There are pictures that you have that brings a lot of this to life for me. My mother is a librarian and I have read the B&C story hundreds of times since I was a child and stories of their life on the run still fascinates me. IMO I belive the fear of death had to have been very overwhelming for those two. I'm not sure that at the time Bonnie wrote the suicide sal poem they were aware of the magnatude of the manhunt that was underway for them. In your 20's you do know that you will die one day but you really dont worry about that and truly don't think that you will die anytime until you are old but if a doctor tells you that you have 6 months to live while you are in your 20's then the impending doom of death becomes a different feeling all together. This is what I like to think it started to feel like for those 2. Basically from anything I've read or could gather their robberies aren't given much detail especially after the death of Buck. Other than the murders and the Eastham jail break I haven't been able to find any other info concerning the details of their robberies during their last 10 months alive. it appears that B&C were not enjoying the public attention so much but were stealing what they could here and there and just trying to stay alive. Its a little easier to probably get a gague on what they were thinking to some degree because a majority of their time seems to have been spent in a car. I have a lot of questions I could ask about these two but if you have any info about the robberies committed after bucks death I would love to read about these. Keep up the good work.
Winston, first I want to say how much I enjoy your B&C blog in particular this article on the B&C Sailes hideout. Undoubtedly, the Methvins (Ivy & Avie) were residing/squatting at the old John Cole homeplace near the intersection of Mamie Murphy Rd and LA 516 and B&C was there from time to time. Do you think there was possibly a second hideout? I wonder because of the reports of meetings at a nearby lake and the newspaper clipping at Tom Methvin's site. The newspaper clipping is from May 25, 1934 and states that Henderson Jordan was transporting Ivy Methvin to Shreveport for safekeeping as he feared for his life due to strange vehicular traffic near his home. It goes on to say that on the day of the ambush that B&C were headed to their hideout near "Alabama Bend". There IS an Alabama Bend in Bienville Parish just west of Ringgold going toward Elm Grove (the site of Henry Methvin's death) Oddly enough, LA 154 is the "same" road you take to reach this area as well as Lake Bistineau. Has your research turned up anything else about a hideout near Alabama Bend?
Hi Winston im new here, Lee from UK. Could you shed any light on the real Clyde Barrow pocket watch as there seem to be two. The one recently sold at auction for $36000 and the other being the one loaned by the family of Capt. Clint Peoples to the Gibsland Museum. I know it's nothing to with the hideout but im just finding my way around here.
Lee A Ferrier
I am a Cole descendant. My grandfather would always tell me the story of how Bonnie and Clyde stayed on my great grandfather's property!
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