Saturday, June 6, 2009

B&C History Poll Answers-- For This Go Round

You know, these B&C poll questions are hard for me to judge sometimes. Some questions I feel will be challenging, won't stump this group. Then some, I think will be relatively easy, apparently seem perplexing sometimes. There's just one solution-- I need to get 'ol "Boots" on the phone again tomorrow, for some tweaking in the B&C polls department. So look for an all new batch of polls. This round's poll answers are as follows:

According to the August 17th, 1933 report, on the Red Crown and Dexfield Park incidents in the Dallas FBI Files-- Sheriff Coffey was hit in the little finger, on the side of his neck and slightly in the shoulder-- none of which wounds were serious. So as far as known, Coffey was hit 3 times. Its a good thing he had his iron shield, which was hit several times. Buck Barrow was said to have been hit by a .45 caliber round. Bonnie Parker was a petite young lady. She was known to have been just under 5 feet tall, weighed about 90 pounds-- and according to Marie Barrow via "Boots" Hinton, wore size 3 or 3 1/2 shoes. Durant, OK was the 1st of 2 locations, where Ted Hinton and Bob Alcorn had to issue B&C a free pass, based on Smoot Schmid's directive of non-engagement with civilians present. According to Buddy Golston who was on the wood pulp truck, there were 12 individuals present at the ambush of B&C-- the 6 officers, B&C, Ivy Methvin and "3" not 2-- on the wood pulp truck, as is often reported. Perhaps someone would know-- but to my knowledge, the 3rd person on the truck, as stated by Buddy-- has never been identified. It was Cam Gunter and her child, that were kidnapped by Raymond Hamilton and Mary O'Dare-- the day before Easter 1934. They were later released unharmed. Millie Stamps was Bonnie's aunt on her fathers side-- from Carlsbad, NM. According to "Boots" Hinton-- Little Man was Ted's nickname for Clyde.

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