Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another B&C History "Controversial" Quote

I couldn't resist posting this one-- which is a response to the CBS Sunday Morning B&C piece aired last week. What do you think of this "Controversial" quote?? Please comment, by clicking on comments in white box below. And a quote is a quote-- I won't correct spelling errors.

"Hamner was a punk not a hero. He would be included in the 270,000 police brutality videos on u-tube if he were alive today. Long love Bonnie and Clyde. When a system evolves that makes men sleep under a wagon and beg for food (especially when there is more than enough to go around) then anything goes. Most of the cops killed were hunting them. That's the way hunting should be, two sided"


  1. like i just said, people who don't know anything about the subject should not comment!!!

  2. I stand by my response within the previous "Controversial" quote-- as applying equally well in this circumstance also. It has long been thought by many, that Capt. Hamer and the other ambush posse members-- acted in perhaps a cowardly and improper manner, with their dramatic and forceful assassination of B&C.

    I don't feel it's out of line, to think that today this bold stroke of self imposed law enforcement justice (the ambush)-- would be rejected by most, as being barbaric in nature and approach. Again, the 1930's were “different” times. Remember the 3 B&C groups I mentioned?? This would clearly be a statement expressed by B&C supporters, in taking a pot shot at Hamer-- for the ambush posse's decisive method in finally stopping B&C.

    One fault I always find with this reasoning, is that those who make it-- fail to realize it was "NOT" Hamer's posse. It was Bienville Parish Sheriff Henderson Jordan's posse. The 4 Texas officers were invited to participate, and whether they were deputized by Jordan or not-- and thus technically and legally there to hand out their Government sanctioned eradication of B&C-- they most certainly did. But Hamer is always the lightning rod-- as Hamer is the accepted hero of the story to many. As mentioned within a recent post, I view the tracking and fall of B&C (as now known)-- as being very much, a group effort.

  3. Clyde's days were numbered when Hamer was set on his trail. The End

  4. poor poor Clyde! it was so mean of that monster hamer to shoot poor clyde! clyde was just mindin his business, not botherin a soul; just driving along eatin a egg sammich... bam bing dada boom dead! Hamer could have let them at least finish eating for gosh sake

  5. if hamer had not had the help of the dept of justice agents and other lawmen in texas and louisiana, he would not have got them when he did, and the way he did. and what's the big deal about hamer all the time anyway? sheriff jordan was in charge of the ambush, not hamer.

  6. this all sounds like some diabolical agenda to make Clyde look like a murderous criminal!!! All enlightened and informed folks know that Clyde was a heroic good guy and Hamer was a evil demon!!!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
