Sunday, May 17, 2009

Skunked On Bonnie Reaching
For A Familiar Gun Question--

Latest Poll Answers

Hi all. As Gibsland is fast approaching, this weeks poll answers will be short and sweet. The folks that frequent this blog are indeed a knowledgeable and talented group. It hasn't been easy to find a question or two, where no one would arrive at the correct answer. However this week, I apparently found one, in the Persell gun question. So here we go--

At the time of his run in with B&C-- Joe Johns was a Deputy Sheriff at Carlsbad, NM. Some may have thought of Johns as Sheriff of Carlsbad, as Johns had held that post previously-- before taking on a different role as a Deputy Sheriff.

Skunked-- Many feel the image of Bonnie reaching for Tom Persell's stag handled revolver, taken from the kidnapped motorcycle officer in Springfield, Missouri-- helped galvanize police feelings against the outlaws. I felt I might have given too many hints, in the wording of this question-- but that unique and easily identifiable pistol was the key. In addition, Persell was the focus of another poll this week as well. The gang also flaunted this pistol, by hanging it upside down from the hood ornament of their car-- within another of the Joplin photos. (W.D. sitting in front of car, with weapons exhibited)

James Mullins was the primary recipient of monies from the R. P. Henry bank robbery in Lancaster, Texas. Ray Hamilton was the go between. The $1000. was Mullins payment for his being the inside connection at Eastham. Of course, this particular bank robbery also spelled the end of the relationship, between Clyde and Raymond Hamilton.

Tom Persell was the only Peace Officer to actually stop and attempt to detain B&C, during their reign of terror. How Persell was able to catch up with the Barrow vehicle or whether Clyde may have let him do it, in order to capture this officer is unknown.

"Smoot" Schmid became Dallas County Texas Sheriff on January 1st, 1933. It seems Sheriff Schmid may have walked into a Hornet's nest, in entering office-- and immediately having to contend with the Barrow Gang. I wonder what he thought, when his wife said to him "How was your day honey"??

Sophie Stone and H.D.Darby were released by B&C near Waldo, Arkansas. There are various accounts of this encounter. However, after reading different eyewitness stories of B&C within the Dallas FBI Files, I am more convinced than I was-- that the Gang may have been more abusive to Stone and Darby, than sometimes portrayed in print and movies.

The value of a 1934 dollar today is just over $15-- $15.34 to be exact. I just love the gas prices, visible in the old photos from back then.

Smoot Schmid and Lee Simmons agreed to combine Hamer and Gault with Hinton and Alcorn, on April 3rd, 1934. I'm not sure whether this specific date has ever been published before. My thanks to L. J. "Boots" Hinton for this gem of tidbit.

Look for new poll questions of some form and number soon. I plan on posting a few key and challenging el supremos, to top off May's contest.

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