Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Law's Knocking On The Door--
Only One Day Left To Vote

A friendly reminder-- there's just 1 day left to vote and record your votes, at that oh so familiar e-mail address-- toward this month's B&C History Poll Contest. This latest group of polls, close Friday May 15th at 10PM eastern (US). May's competition has indeed been spirited and close thus far. I'm not sure how many additional questions I'll be able to post prior to Gibsland-- as pretty soon, I need to make my way down South. I'll likely post a smaller, select and challenging group of questions-- in order to try and separate this talented group of contestants, in the running for May's prize.

And for all the many new visitors to this site, from all over ("thank you")-- who are not involved in May's contest-- please have fun, and cast your votes for the polls. The B&C polls are meant for all, whether you choose to be involved in the poll contests-- or just wish to check on and improve your B&C knowledge. There's a contest each month, which everyone may participate in if desired. Please see details in post below, dated Wed April 29th.

So grab your BARs, make your dash for the car-- and vote today. Also check out additional photos I've posted on right of blog.

As always, my best to all-- Winston

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