Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Barrows at Jefferson City & Snowball Stands Tall

Here are more Blanche photos courtesy of Jim Knight. Blanche noted the prison visitation photo, to have been taken 8/5/34 at Jefferson City, Missouri.

And of course there's Snowball, as shown in the famous pic with Blanche, again from an original photo taken at the Barrow filling station. Snowball seemed to
like standing on it's hind legs. Also within this group of photos, is the rare shot apparently taken by Blanche of L.C., Artie, Jack & Marie Barrow-- along with Snowball standing tall in front of L.C.

Snowball and Sonny Boy share the distinction of having been Barrow Gang mascots. It seems Snowball was a lover not a fighter, as it knew just what to do when gunfire erupted-- head for the hills. After running away from the rear garage apartment of 3347 & 1/2 34th Street-- Snowball likely lived out it's life as a Joplin resident. More to come.

1 comment:

  1. How funny! I've, of course, read about Snowball (and I do hope he found a nice home after running off - how funny to think that some family might have just picked up a bit of Bonnie and Clyde history without even knowing it, in the form of a little dog!) - he looks EXACTLY like my little mixed-mutt dog, Finnegan! (What a cutie!)
