Sunday, October 19, 2014

80 Years Later, Perhaps We Are All the Law-- and We Are All Bonnie & Clyde

At every significant milestone concerning the history of Bonnie & Clyde, invariably much is written regarding this history's importance, non-importance or affect on society.  But in reality, what does Bonnie & Clyde History mean and to whom??  Is there in fact some societal lesson to be learned-- or were these events from the early '30's just a snapshot in time??  Seemingly, some search for "deep meanings"-- while others stick to "matter of fact" and curt analysis.  Then with this history, there's that all-consuming polarization-- with battle lines drawn as if preparing for armed combat, between proponents with sympathy for these likable outlaws--  measured squarely against the saintlike aggrandizement bestowed on Peace Officers from this saga.  "Right is right" and "wrong is wrong"-- right?? 

Many support Bonnie & Clyde, as if they were God's supreme gift to passion and criminal endeavor rolled into one-- and then there are those, who without reservation-- defend the law against such a brazen form of 1930's lawlessness.  I wonder though, when the dust clears-- whether some aren't missing a glaring human element easily lost within the bullets, heartache and toil exhibited by competing foes within this saga??  Without doubt and unfortunately-- many were killed as a result of Bonnie & Clyde's crime spree and devotion to their families.  And logically, when law enforcement tracks and corners outlaws-- it seems clear someone may die.  But that is the nature of such valiant action, and for lawmen-- a sometimes necessary consequence and just reward historically, concerning the challenge and most dangerous experience of man-hunting. 

To me-- there are key elements of humanity to keep in mind while wading through this storied and fascinating history of "good vs evil".  One is that when confronted with desperation and hardship-- human beings will resort to remarkable means to survive and deprive others of all, including if deemed necessary their lives.  The next is that for good to triumph over evil-- sometimes good is transformed into it's own form of evil-- with lines easily blurred between the 2.   

Perhaps the best way to look at Bonnie & Clyde History is via a mirror in examining ourselves.  There's a line from the film "Chinatown"-- where Noah Cross exclaims "Most people never have to face the fact, that at the right time and the right place-- they're capable of anything".  Perhaps that's the lesson of Bonnie & Clyde History-- that within us, we all have the capacity for good and bad-- respect and disrespect-- love and hate-- morality and immorality.  For "people are people"-- with all our admirable traits and pitiful faults.  And that's not likely to change in 80 years-- or a million and 80 years.  For when you get right down to it-- perhaps we are all the law-- we are all Bonnie & Clyde-- we always have been-- and always will be.          

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