Friday, March 12, 2010

Blanche Caldwell Barrow Frasure Auction Lot #2-- Blanche's Tea Pot-- Tea With Blanche Anyone?? Winning bid $31.

Now this is an interesting and personal Blanche item, if there ever was one. The item pictured, which looks so good on my kitchen table is Blanche's Tea Pot. Blanche's Executrix and friend of more than 30 years Lorraine Weiser, attests-- that this is the Tea Pot Blanche would serve tea to friends with. It's a nice size Tea Pot, which is brown in color-- with a pearlescent finish. Uniquely, the top of the Tea Pot is rounded, while it's body is octagonal in shape. There's not much else to say, except that after so many years-- it's condition is nearly perfect. There are just the slightest chips within the lip of the spout. An exceptionally nice item owned by Blanche Caldwell Barrow Frasure, meant for use in sharing joy, poignant moments and good conversation. If only this Tea Pot could talk.

Regarding this auction, the same rules apply to this item as were stated for the last. Please review the auction rules which appear within the offering for Blanche's personal check. You can bid by e-mailing me at This is a 2 week auction, which will end Friday March 26th at 10:00PM Eastern (U.S.). I don't know what else to say about these Blanche items, except to hope all with a love for this history-- will partake of these opportunities, to own items owned by Blanche.

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