Friday, February 12, 2010

The Story of Bonnie and Clyde-- An Update

As The B&CHB receives regular inquiries, regarding Cypress Moon's production of The Story of Bonnie and Clyde-- every so often, I exchange e-mails with Tonya Holly to ask her for an update on how the movie is going. Tonya and I have communicated again, so I wanted to provide all of you with the latest concerning the upcoming B&C movie.

Tonya says 2009 was a tough year for both schedules and financing. As the recent economic realities have affected many industries including independent film making, apparently financing has been tough to come by-- resulting in promises made falling through. Cypress Moon is now dealing with new investment groups, and is hopeful to be shooting by the end of April.

I do have one significant news flash concerning the film, in that Tonya has revealed they do plan on shooting the ambush scene in Bienville Parish, Louisiana-- at the actual ambush location on old LA Hwy 418. If all goes well, they may be shooting the ambush close to the actual day B&C were killed. I don't know about all of you, but to me-- using that final turn and crested hill as the ambush location, is fabulous news!! You can't provide more realism for the ambush, than using the actual spot in which B&C were waylaid.

This is the latest information available as of now. As in the past, I'll do my best to keep everyone updated on The Story of Bonnie and Clyde as I learn more. My sincere "thanks" to Tonya S. Holly of Cypress Moon Studios-- for sharing her insights with the followers of The B&CHB, on this wonderful and highly anticipated B&C movie project.

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