Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blanche Caldwell Barrow Frasure Personal Items-- To Be Offered "Exclusively" On The B&CHB

The wait is over!! Last November on the blog, I published plans for a Blanche Caldwell Barrow Frasure auction, which was to include a number of items-- in particular the Blanche manuscript, which was slated to be the auction centerpiece. As many are so keenly aware, this rare and remarkable document-- Blanche's handwritten record of her days with Bonnie and Clyde, is the only 1st hand account known-- provided by a Barrow Gang member who was present, throughout a number of well known B&C escapades.

But instead of offering this historic manuscript via the internet as originally planned-- for a number of reasons important to it's owner, it was decided Blanche's manuscript would be offered privately-- which has been the case for many months now. Behind the scenes, I have worked closely with the Estate of Blanche Caldwell Frasure and it's Executrix-- within this effort. As of March 1st, I can now report that the manuscript has been sold.

With this said concerning Blanche's manuscript, many know that the bulk of Blanche's B&C related items were auctioned off at The Heritage Galleries in 2006. What remains of Blanche's Estate, for the most part are personal items. I let it be known back in November, that there would be some Blanche items offered here-- for the loyal followers of The Bonnie and Clyde History Blog. As I am a man of my word, this brings me to the exciting news that follows.

I have access to a limited number of personal items owned by Blanche Caldwell (Barrow) Frasure, which I plan to offer here for those who follow The B&CHB. At least with what is available now-- this will be an "exclusive" offering. These are not B&C related items per se, but rather are personal items owned and used by Blanche. Other than a personal check or 2 with Blanche's signature, I would term these items personal belongings or knick knacks ie: a ceramic tea pot Blanche served tea to friends with, a small decorative milk pitcher-- likely used for the same purpose, silver butter spreaders, Blanche's crocheting needles etc-- this sort of thing-- personal items, which Blanche used in her daily life. Authentic Bonnie and Clyde artifacts are nearly impossible to come by. However for those with a keen interest in these outlaws and their history-- I would think any personally owned item from a Barrow Gang member, would be of considerable interest.

Additional auction rules could be amended within other posts-- however some thoughts now. My initial ideas to be fair to all would include, that each item be offered for a reasonable period of time-- perhaps a number of weeks. Anyone who can view this blog would be eligible to participate. As I don't have the facility here to conduct an eBay style auction, bidding would be conducted via e-mails to me. I would offer these items to worldwide bidding, without a minimum and without a buy it now option-- completely wide open. I feel that's fair. I will publish current bids, so all will know where the bidding stands. I would ask that out of respect for Blanche and her legacy, that bidding for her personal items be responsible-- without frivolous bids.

No anonymous bids would be accepted-- however the identities of all who bid, would be confidential between the bidders and myself throughout the bidding process. I would leave it up to the winner of each item, to choose whether they be identified by name or in lieu of that-- just by their location. Fair shipping costs will be calculated worldwide via an accepted carrier, plus appropriate insurance and delivery confirmation if available. These costs would be paid along with the winning bid, in advance of shipping. Also, if a lot winner is overseas, I must be able to ship and you must be able to receive a package from the United States. U.S. Postal Service money orders, or International U.S. Postal Service money orders would be the accepted method of payment-- although I may expand upon this. A certificate of authenticity and specific to each item-- will be provided along with each item.

I have more to figure out regarding all of this, including working up the 1st lot-- about which I will communicate with you soon. I hope all are excited at the prospects of perhaps owning something from Blanche. I wish these could be B&C related items-- however as expressed to me, they were Blanche's. Speaking for myself-- I know if I could own "anything" from a number of historic figures, I would certainly want to. My sincere thanks to Mrs. Lorraine Weiser, for generously providing me with some of Blanche's belongings, to be offered to followers of The B&CHB. There's more to come, so please stay tuned. As always, please address any questions or comments to me-- concerning this or other B&CHB happenings.

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