Friday, June 12, 2009

Shelley and Jimmy Ray-- after a "meeting to remember".


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  3. No diabolical agenda I am aware of. Perhaps those who believe so, would please clarify and explain-- these troubling feelings, which they perceive to be true. To me, we should be considering Bonnie & Clyde History-- not agendas. Speaking for myself, some seem to feel I have an agenda of some sort. Well if I have one, its to protect and defend B&C History from shameless charlatans-- and present an honest, high quality and accurate forum-- regarding B&C for all to share, learn from and enjoy.

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  6. for what it's worth, i can only hope that one day, (i hope it's soon) that these two people can somehow come to a conclusion that instead of verbal insults, that it would be great for all to focus on this fine history we love. the comment on turning into a radio show was a light jab, in hopes that miss mitchell, and mr methvin would both see this little "war" they seem to be fighting on the boards are a waste of time and energy. they are both good people, and it is very sad that they can't get along.

  7. It's truly a shame I need to keep addressing this, but as some are inquiring and posting opinion now-- apparently I must. Yes, the other person is real. The July 22nd 2:30 AM post although anonymously posted, is a response from Ms. Mitchell. I believe Tom and I came to an understanding today regarding some things-- thus the 2 deleted posts (one from him and one from me). Hopefully, now I can get Shelley to "do the right thing" for peace. It would be really nice to see some "B&C" comment for a change!!

    As some of these disagreements have been festering for months if not a year or more, I don't expect them to go away over night. "However"-- I'm not happy these little wars are spilling over from one B&C forum to another-- as if water cascading from one cell of an ice cube tray to the next. And I'm "not" happy-- these issues have ended up here.

    This, is not about anyone's perceptions about who or what is twisted. Instead, its about being respectful and polite, and sticking to the history-- without the vengeful and vicious personal attacks. Those who may like this sort of thing, will be disappointed to know-- most of the fireworks from previous issues, between a number of individuals within the B&C community seem to be over-- and for that I am glad. However, there seem to be "some" fires yet to quell.

    As I said-- I'll know things are better regarding this circumstance, when historical comments are made to historical posts, by those who wish to disagree about "history"-- instead of commenting about the shallow art of hurtful disagreement itself.

    I am willing to provide a quality B&C forum, and help work for B&C History and peace here. But nothing less. Period.

    Tom, Shelley and everyone else, are "most" welcomed-- to post responsible historical comment and opinion here. But for those who are unsure-- my definition of responsible historical comment and opinion is--

    responsible historical comment and opinion.

    My thanks to all.

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  9. My feeling at this point-- is that personal issues should be dealt with via e-mail, just as with any other personal issues, all of us face every day.

    It seems the very nature of this or any other public forum, only incites the potential of mean-spiritedness being exercised for no good result, to the blog or anyone viewing it-- when mistaken for e-mail or deliberately misused.

    So no-- I don't expect a lull in the action until the next comment that's "needed" to be responded to. I don't expect that a follow up angry or antagonistic comment will be posted between any combatants, in response to or in anticipation of, any comment made here or anywhere else. And that at least here-- for those old enough to remember-- Romper Room is closed.

    Energies spent responding to "historical" issues are what this forum is all about. How about seeing some!! If some wish it, I would support the formation of The Diabolical Agenda Blog-- as perhaps an interesting extension of the free speech we all covet so much. But I "can" have rules here for the benefit of all, within this exclusively focused forum. As this is a forum dedicated to the history of Bonnie and Clyde-- feel free to comment to your heart's content regarding these iconic outlaws, or anything related to them.

    I would welcome your comments regarding my thoughts and actions.


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  11. It only takes one to comply with my requests-- and only one to violate them. However it takes two to get along. With respect for both of you, and knowing you will both view this-- I need all personal comments such as made previously, if they're going to continue (which I hope they won't)-- to be made elsewhere please. That's it.

    There are no if's in my statement. I hope you both understand why this sort of thing, regardless of how and why it has happened in the past-- cannot go on here. I would think you would both welcome, the opportunity to stop wasting time and causing hurt-- and get back to what's more important. I would think peace would be the goal. I would also hope there would be enough respect for me, to please honor my wishes.

    If I were within your homes, I would abide by and have respect for your rules. As you are within my place here-- I only ask that you show me the same respect I would show you-- should the situation be reversed.

    Thank you.

  12. we have started a collection to buy a new hat for that dude. to make a donation; please contact for the paypal account information.

  13. the hat needs to be put in a museum and cherished for the ages. It is morphing from a cool gangster hat to a shabby hobo catastrophe ~
