Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Latest B&C Poll Answers

I truly think I'm getting the hang of this now. I believe both a desired level of difficulty and enhanced method of phrasing questions is meshing now-- into even better B&C Polls. As such, here are the answers to this latest batch of queries.

The Hotel register with the Clyde alias of Roy Bailey, was discovered in Pawhuska, OK. Clyde bragged to George Corry and Paul Hardy after Wellington, about being obliged to kill 6 who had attempted to capture him. As an aside, since this admission was made in only June of '33, perhaps it could be a revelation to those who question Clyde having killed, and how often. After Wellington, Clyde wanted to return to their burned out car-- to retrieve license plates he felt could help the law track them. However in the end, they decided not to go back-- as Bonnie objected and in effect overruled Clyde. In observing the Barrow Gang in action, Sheriff Corry was able to recount, that Bonnie played an active role in gang logistics and decision making. According to the American Funeral Director magazine article, in 1934 Bonnie's casket reportedly cost $1000. Comparatively, a similar casket today would cost $15,000-- and thus her's seemed a loving gesture for Bonnie by her family. And within the same article, related to his funeral-- it's said 6000 people were thought to have viewed Clyde, while 30,000 were believed to have viewed Bonnie. Thus 5 times more people were thought to have viewed Bonnie than viewed Clyde.

"Thanks" to all for your participation in the polls. Look for all new B&C polls to be posted soon. I always seem to think each new group of questions, will be the most challenging yet. But I often find myself proven wrong, by this talented group.

1 comment:

  1. Emma Parker stated in Fugitives that Sonny Boy was delivered to her on Bonnie and Clydes last visit home. Bonnie told her mother to hide him from the laws since he was involved in two shootouts. She was refering to Grapevine and Cal Campbells murder.
