Saturday, June 27, 2009

The "Latest 8" B&C Poll Answers

I don't know what I have do to stump some of you-- but you can rest assured, I'll be hard at work again soon along with "Boots" Hinton-- in forming new and challenging poll questions. The answers to this week's group of B&C Polls are as follows: The Joplin Files were needed for many of this weeks queries. Although St. Louis was also mentioned, and it was said B&C at one time ended up in Chicago-- regarding the train trip immediately after Joplin, it was Cleveland, Ohio which was mentioned as a destination. In that regard, it was a cab driver from the Welch Transportation Company-- who reported to police, he felt it could have been Bonnie and Blanche, who were in his cab. These women were picked up on E. 79th Street in Cleveland-- said they were from Dallas, and were on their way to Columbus, Ohio. Within police correspondence, it was thought the Barrow Brothers may have remained in St. Louis, and would meet up with Bonnie and Blanche later. It was Ray Hamilton who used the colorful quote, in being out of women, out of money and out of ammunition-- when surrendering to Bill Decker.

Speaking of Raymond Hamilton-- he, Bonnie, Clyde, Henry Methvin, Joe Palmer and Hilton Bybee were all indicted for the Ranger Armory break in. By that time W.D. was already in custody, and thus it was W.D. who didn't participate in that particular crime. By June 15th, 1934 B&C were dead-- and Hamilton & Bybee had been re-captured and convicted of more serious crimes. That left only Henry Methvin and Joe Palmer still at large. Speaking of armories, it was the Beaumont, Texas Armory thought hit by Clyde, which was instead discovered robbed by Raymond Hamilton. And speaking of weapons-- the BAR is one powerful military machine gun. Within the Dallas FBI Files, the BAR was noted to be deadly at 3 miles. And speaking of lawmen (well the segways had to end somewhere)-- Theo Money (what a great name) was the Sheriff of Scott County, Arkansas at the time of the Joplin shootout. And finally from lawmen to bootleggers, M. Dodd from Malakoff, Texas possessed a number of cool advantages-- which could have been useful to Clyde. He was said to have a well organized bootlegging business, a number of tough and loyal henchmen-- a landing strip and a private and quite silent aeroplane-- and in addition, he had a number of mine shafts on his property, which it was noted, would be a good place to hide out. Please look for more B&C Polls-- to be posted soon.

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