Sunday, May 31, 2009

We Have A Winner!!-- Plus New Polls Posted

Congratulations to Ted and Karron, who won May's B&C History Blog Poll Contest by just "1" correct answer. Their winning percentage was 75%-- with 15 out of 20 questions answered correctly. Russ was right there, in answering 14 out of 20 correctly, and had closed the gap-- in getting the last 2 questions right. Red was the color of the True Crime mag cover, in the B&W photo. And that famous group photo of Dallas Sheriff's Dept. officers, was taken the day "after" Sowers-- in Smoot Schmid's office. I hope all who participated in May will participate again, and that more will join them-- in this friendly and fun battle of B&C knowledge. 8 new B&C Poll Questions are up, to kick off the festivities for June. So have at 'em.

I encourage all who enjoy the B&C History blog, to search out the polls on the right side-- and participate in the voting. If you also wish to be entered in the running for a B&C prize, to be awarded at the end of June-- please e-mail your answers for each group of polls, to That's the same address to contact me via e-mail, if you wish. Please record your answers in written form, rather than by assigning letters or such-- for each chosen answer. For your votes to be counted, they must be in "before" answers are revealed, at the end of each polling period. A minimum of just 10 votes per month, are required to qualify for prizes. "Boots" and I are back at it, in forming some new "killer" questions. So watch out gang-- and best of skill to all.

Thanks as always

1 comment:

  1. hi winston. would you beleive this is the FIRST thing i ever won in my life? thank's it's a lotta fun. hope all is well. ted & karron.
