Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Video Game For Blog-- Rudolph's Revenge

Try link to check out this fun little game. Click on Reindeer to kick Santa (used here as a metaphor for some less than diligent B&C author type, who writes prolifically of 'Ol Saint Nick)-- up a tree and score some points. Select replay, to play again without Christmas song-- or reset to main menu, for that real Christmas feeling. Time Reindeer to kick when needle at it's peak, for maximum distance. Soar high, collect presents-- score points. Left clicking while Santa in air activates elves in trees with candy cane sticks. These sticks work like pinball flippers, to keep Santa up there. If you get good elf action, scores well above 50,000 possible. My high score so far = 139,756. Sometimes Santa keeps going and going.

Somehow, I just had to have this game for this forum. No disrespect for the tradition of Santa Claus, as Santa serves here as just a metaphor. Link is located down right side of blog. Just a little escape, to deal with frustration-- over what I view, as perhaps some less than stellar historical caring. Hey, it's all in good fun-- but "to the moon Alice." Bam Zoom.

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