Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Greetings" To All-- World Wide

I'd like to welcome the many new followers of the Bonnie and Clyde History blog-- which now extends to 8 countries worldwide. In just a short time, this blog has reached a great number of individuals and entities-- both interested and "passionate" in the history of Bonnie & Clyde.

My thanks to all for your support-- and for your interest in this history!!



  1. Winston, I notice in both Suicide Sal and The Street Girl that references are made to Helen of Troy and the "island." I think it is The Street Girl which indicates the island is in a bay. My initial thought was Alcatraz but I don't believe Alcatraz had female prisoners. What do you make of these references?

  2. Hi Freda--

    Good gets here. My understanding is there were no female prisoners on Alcatraz. I've read women prisoners could not be declared "incorrigible" until 1969, six years after Bobby Kennedy ordered the closure of Alcatraz. It does seem Bonnie may have referred to Alcatraz within "The Street Girl". Perhaps she had thought of being the first woman inmate there?? It may just be possible, if Bonnie had been captured, her notoriety may have warranted her being placed there. I guess they could have isolated Bonnie from the other inmates somehow?? A very interesting thought.

    Based on your comparison of both the island and Helen of Troy references, which appear in both poems-- I may include these comparisons as another good reason to believe "The Street Girl" to be without a doubt, an authentic Bonnie Parker poem. Nice going. Many thanks. --Winston
