Monday, May 4, 2009

Answers To Previous Poll Questions--

Cumie and Sophronia, are Indian names from the Walker's American Indian heritage

Bonnie's famous sweater dress was reported by Ted Hinton, to have been black-- with red, yellow and light green stripes.

Note: A slight change re: Bonnie's sweater dress, although in my view, not enough of a variant to have impacted voting. In double checking my e-mail from last August, when I first learned of this wonderful B&C revelation-- I discovered I left out 1 color of the stripes, within my description. But as the basic dress choices of dark blue, deep red, black and a very dark green were so diverse, and the stripe combination was mostly correct-- for those who chose black as the dress color, with the stripes mentioned-- I feel it only fair to count those votes. I hope all will agree. See image of '30s Minerva style book with color cover at right-- depicting a very similar color combination as Bonnie's famous sweater dress. It's hard to tell from B&W photo of Bonnie & Clyde, whether stripes in Bonnie's dress were bordered by or included black-- as shown on this fashion book's cover?? My thanks to Frank Ballinger and the Hideout, for this image.

Dallas Sheriff's deputies dare not call Richard Allan "Smoot" Schmid-- The Big Gorilla, to his face. The seemingly derogatory nick name of Smooth Smith, appears to have been assigned to Smoot-- by Bureau Agents, within their writing of him in the Dallas FBI Files-- re: the Sowers incident.

L.J. "Boots" Hinton was 4 months old, when B&C were ambushed. This one almost seems like one of those exercises in the "illusion" of logic. "Boots" was born on January 1st, 1934. As such, so many seem to get this wrong-- in thinking "Boots" was 5 months 23 days old on the date of the ambush. And you might think it so, as May 23rd is 5 months 23 days after January 1st. However as I see it-- "Boots" would have been 4 months 23 days old, on the date of the ambush. As you don't begin your life on day one being 1 month old, but in effect at zero-- then you would need to live a month, to be 1 month old. So on February 1st, 1934, "Boots" was 1 month old. In following from there, on March 1st, 2 months-- April 1st, 3 months. Thus on May 1st, 1934-- "Boots" Hinton turned 4 months old.

But as living 23 days into May, wouldn't have equaled another month-- and in an effort not to give away the answer, I went with 4 months. I hope all agree. An abacus or fingers, may be the best tools to figure this one out. When in doubt, fingers worked for me. Tommy and I talked this exercise out, arriving at a consensus of confusion. Any mathematicians out there?? Does anyone have any thoughts on this??

My thanks to all who voted.

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