Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Announcing B&C History Poll Contest--
Along with Tougher Poll Questions

Based on the ebb and flow of B&C History Poll answers, it seems perhaps tougher questions are needed. And since at least one of you has asked about prizes, perhaps, there's a way to satisfy those-- with that competitive B&C spirit. How about an ongoing B&C History Poll Contest. That way, I can provide a B&C related prize at the end of each month-- for whomever has the best accuracy in answering the poll questions.

If you like the contest idea, then let's try it. For those who wish to participate in The B&C History Poll Contest-- and include the current crop of 4 poll questions-- please e-mail your name and answers for each poll question to me at-- This way, your answers remain anonymous to each other, but I can keep track.

The rules are simple: The contest is open to all who participate on this forum. To be fair and allow for some to enter the game mid stream, as well as those who may not answer all polls-- a minimum of 10 votes per contest period, are required to qualify for prizes. Ample polls will be posted each week or so, to allow for sufficient votes to be cast. Those with more votes cast than others, within a contest period-- agree that all is fair beyond a 10 vote sampling. In case of a tie, a 3 question 1 day playoff-- will decide the winner. If still tied after playoff-- multiple prizes will be awarded.

Prizes could be B&C books, photos, tee shirts, internet offerings, works from me, or whatever interesting and eclectic B&C items I can find. These may include items from Ken Holmes' Southwestern Historical Publications catalog, or gift offerings from the B&C Ambush Museum. As the Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Festival's upon us, perhaps the 1st prize offered, should be something from this year's Festival in Gibsland-- commemorating the 75th anniversary of the ambush.

Meanwhile-- it looks like I really need to buckle down are find some more challenging questions for you all. Accordingly, I am poised to post some zingers, created in conjunction with "Boots" Hinton. So get ready-- all who feel they know their B&C stuff. The bar has been raised, so lets all climb higher. The 1st contest period will end May 31st. When I return from Gibsland-- I'll award the inaugural Poll Contest prize. Please be sure to e-mail your current poll votes-- for this week's credit. You've gotta be in it to win it. So let's hear from you. Thanks for your participation. Let's see if the same people always win-- or a sense of parody will prevail, within some friendly competition??


  1. hello winston, great idea! see ya soon! ted and karron.

  2. Hey Win, finally got my a into g and signed in so I can comment on your thoughts. Looking foward to seeing your future topics...I hope you plan to write about the festival in details for those who can't make it.
